The financial statement is one of the most critical documents for any company, allowing investors and counterparties to examine the key performance indicators of the firm over a specific period of time.
The financial statement enables the identification of fundamental characteristics of the company, its current financial position, and provides insights into the business prospects in the near future. Such reporting reflects all results, regardless of how detrimental they may be to market quotations. Whether a company's quarterly profit turns into a loss, debts increase, or operational activities do not yield income, all of these aspects will be included in the report.
Every public company has a dedicated section on its website for investors, where it regularly publishes data with financial indicators. Besides the company's own websites, there are other resources that compile corporate statements. One such resource is the Center for Corporate Information Disclosure, where reports can be downloaded by anyone interested.
In this article, we will discuss the value of financial statements in the
operations of foreign companies.