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International company audit: main goals and objectives

Publication date/update: 06.06.2023
Any audit is an independent opinion of professionals in the field of finance who assess the completeness, accuracy, and compliance of the financial statements with the laws of the Russian Federation. The majority of Russian companies prepare their financial statements based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

In this article, we will provide more details on how and why international auditing is conducted.

What services can be rendered by auditors?

One of the most pertinent services is financial reporting transformation. Essentially, it entails the reorganization of accounting information and adjustments to financial statement items. This is necessitated by:
  • 1
    When conducting sales to foreign entities.
  • 2
    For attracting foreign investments.
  • 3
    To publicly traded companies listed on the stock exchange.
  • 4
    When obtaining financing from abroad.
International audit involves testing audit evidence. Here, the following is meant:
  • 1
    Assessing the current principles of accounting, criteria of materiality, and the accuracy of financial reporting.
  • 2
    Verification of the reliability of the indicators provided by the regular employees.
  • 3
    Verification of the reliability of the indicators provided by the regular employees.
The relevance of international auditing is growing each year, as it enables companies to have confidence in the accuracy and precision of their financial reporting.

Advantages of the company's international auditing
  • 1
    Obtaining a professional opinion on any complex matters.
  • 2
    Minimization of risks related to potential tax penalties.
  • 3
    Preparation of a comprehensive set of documents to present to the company's management as expenditure confirmation.
  • 4
    Enhancing trust from international investors towards the company.
  • 5
    Providing understanding to all stakeholders of the underlying audit process.
  • 6
    Comparing audit results among companies and countries to obtain an adequate characterization.


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Classification of International Audit

The rules governing international audits consist of the following components:
  • 1
    Foundations of audit procedures.
  • 2
    Quality control guidelines.
  • 3
    Risk assessment and mitigation.
  • 4
    Evidence and validation of audit data.
  • 5
    Services provided by independent auditors.
  • 6
    Formation of audit conclusions.
  • 7
    Audit aspects, including the analysis of financial statements based on specialized principles.
There are several types of international standards:
  • 1
    Applied in Russia or closely aligned with them.
  • 2
    With significant variations in comparison.
  • 3
    Not used in Russia at all.
  • 4
    Russian standards that differ considerably from international ones.
In 2017, significant changes were implemented in Russia's approach to conducting audits. Now, audits have become more transparent and objective due to greater alignment with international standards. However, it is important to note that Russia employs a portion of these standards, but gradually, the scope for their implementation in domestic audits is expanding.

Primary Objectives of International Audit

The primary goal of conducting an audit examination is to standardize accounting procedures while preserving local business traditions. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) facilitate an objective comparison of the operations of enterprises and organizations, which is particularly relevant for international investments.

Among the principal objectives of implementing international standards is the harmonization of business activities among countries with similar economic principles. This may lead to deeper integration into the global economy and elevate the level of auditing to a national scale.

Procedure of International Audit

Every audit process involves several crucial stages:

1. Preparatory Stage.
At this stage, a professional auditor assesses the scope and composition of the financial statements, negotiates the audit terms, enters into an audit engagement agreement, formulates a preliminary audit plan, and gathers necessary documents.

2. Conducting the Investigation.
During this phase, the auditor collects and evaluates the evidentiary base, which includes examining and analyzing the financial statements from the previous year. It requires scrutinizing accounting reports, financial documentation, and managerial data. Additionally, the specialist gathers information through other means such as employee interviews, observations, surveys, and inventories.

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3. Formation of Conclusion.
Data containing errors undergo correction. Subsequently, the independent specialist prepares a report and formulates the final audit opinion. This opinion is then presented to the company's management and other interested parties.

It is essential to note that audit activities under international standards can only be conducted by auditing firms with appropriate licenses. The company must also comply with the following requirements:
  • 1
    Operating exclusively in the audit sphere.
  • 2
    Being registered in the self-regulatory organizations (SRO).
  • 3
    Having certified professionals on staff.
To obtain a high-quality audit, an organization should select a firm based on these criteria. DVP Audit Company meets all these requirements and holds a license for performing audit activities. We offer auditing services according to the standards of the 'Big Four' firms, which are no longer operating in Russia.


They are the most reputable international firms that audit financial statements and provide tax consulting services to managers. Essentially, they dominate the global market for consulting and auditing services. Each member of the "Big Four" has a parent company and numerous subsidiaries and branches in different countries.

You are most welcome to meet us both in Russia and Germany!

DVP | Moscow
ООО „Dr. Voigt & Partner"
107031, Moscow, Petrovka Street, 27 , Room 1/5
+7 495 690 92 62
DVP | Hamburg
DVP Audit GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Erik-Blumenfeld-Platz 27 b, 22587 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. +49 40 866 6740 Fax +49 40 866 67444